Introducing my Britmums sponsor.....

Introducing my Britmums sponsor…..

Thats a surprise isnt it? Well it was a surprise to me when I received the email offering me sponsorship, in fact I had to read the email three times …

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World Autism Day!

Today is World Autism Day, it is a day to really stop and think. Is that child naughty? Is that child spoilt?Is she a bad mother?Or does that child have …

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Literacy Issues

Today I read an article on Yahoo News regarding the literacy and numeracy levels in childminders and nursery staff and to be honest I wasnt that shocked. Whenever I look …

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Bloggers Brain

Now as most of my readers are parents and almost certainly the largest majority of you are mummies you will nod your head knowingly when I mention Mummy Brain. Apparently …

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Family time at the weekend

Family time at the weekend

This week I wrote about saying Goodbye to my Share the Blog love feature so I can spend more time with the kids and I have to say it was …

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“Daddy put a rat in my bed!”

When Alison was screaming the house down last night because she didnt want to sleep in her bed I tried to comfort her, I tried to talk to her and …

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Too much stuff!

For a while now I have tried not to write a list. I have tried to remain organised but I have decided that my head now wants to explode, there …

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