TK Maxx Kids Clothing

Summer is finally here, the sun is shining and the kids want to wear cool clothes. The problem is I never knew if summer was actually going to arrive so I have been a a bit lackluster about buying them shorts, skirts, dresses and sandals. In fact unless they can still fit in last years clothes they are going to really struggle.

To make matters worse the clothes shops all seem to have filled there aisles with Autumn and Winter clothing.

Luckily TK Maxx came to my rescue with the offer of a £100 voucher to spend online on the TK Maxx website in the Kids Clothing section. I have never shopped on the website before and although it has a reduced range in comparison to the store it took out the stress of shopping that I usually get. As a very visual shopper I find it really hard to shop the rails in TK MAxx and usually give up pretty quickly or just buy from the end of rail stock.


I was actually down at my mums when the voucher arrived in my inbox so I also managed to get my little brother a few bits too including two tshirts. I even had enough left over for a jacket for my mum. £100 seems to go quite a long way in TK Maxx. 

First up was Elizabeth is a gorgeous Lego outfit. Both the jeans and top fit her really well and for only £20 for the outfit I think it is a real bargain. I see this as a perfect garden party outfit and she loves the colours on the top.

I also bought Elizabeth a hair of Sketchers sandals for £9.99.


Alison is a lot harder to buy for because she refuses to wear girls clothes. Instead I found this fantastic Elmo tshirt in the boys section and some matching jeans with a belt.

The Elmo on the tshirt stands out and is really soft and there is added detail on the back of the tshirt too. Elmo is a new favourite when it comes to characters after we saw him at Butlins the last few times we have been.

This outfit cost just £14 and I also managed to get a pair of Lego Slip on shoes for £9.99

The quality, price and ease of shopping on the site was fantastic and it is definitely somewhere I will look again when I am in the process of buying the kids some new clothes.