Matt Hatter Chronicles is a fabulous CG-animated comedy adventure that follows schoolboy Matt Hatter as he moves from New York to London, living in Notting Hill’s famous Coronet Movie Theatre. It’s here that he discovers a huge family secret – the Hatters are guardians of a secret dimension known as the Multiverse, the gateway to which is accessed through one of the Coronet movie screens. Famous villains from adventure flicks screened at the Coronet have escaped into the Multiverse and under the direction of the fiendish Lord Tenoroc are wreaking havoc. As the next Hatter Hero it’s up to Matt to clean up the mess and recapture all the Super Villains. He’s got to catch them all!
With two hit series already aired on CITV and a new season premiere planned this Autumn, Simba Toys UK have announced the UK launch of the all new Matt Hatter Chronicles toy line this July and we were one of the first families in the country to get our hands on one.
We were sent Minotaur one of the Matt Hatter Super Villain Assortment which is an articulated 5″ action figure of all Matt’s most fearsome Super Villains from the TV show! With 16 to collect including Mummy, Redbeard, Prowler, Captain Lightning, Doc Fossil, Phibious, Medusa, The Black Knight, Cyclops, Flint Phoenix, Werewolf, Zombie Boss, Count Venom, Cyber Racer and Candy Kane. All of which include a collectible interactive radio frequency Life Cell, which is compatible with the Cell Blaster toy and the Chronicles Villain Vault.
The Minotaur has certainly been having fun in our house and Alison loves playing with it. The weapon is quite hard to clip into Minotaurs hands but that also means it doesn’t fall out all the time which is great. The legs and arms are securely attached and believe me Alison has definitely put that to the test! Why is it kids always try to pull the legs and arms off their toys? Anyway I am glad to say the Minotaur resisted all of Alison’s efforts and is still in one piece!
We really enjoyed being one of the first to get our hands on the new Matt Hatter Chronicles toys and look forward to seeing more from the range soon.