One of my main areas of anxiety is the beds. Our beds at home have waterproof sheets to protect the mattresses. I reckon they will be on there until the girls are at least 18 and getting ready to leave home. Although Elizabeth is dry at night 99% of the time, being away from home and in a strange place always seems to upset her rhythm and she doesn’t wake up to go to the toilet as frequently. Maybe it is due to the exhaustion of such fun filled days.
I decided that I couldn’t stress about it any longer. I knew that there was no way I was going to get her in a nappy. She is not a baby as she so frequently informs me. We went to the supermarket to choose something to help. I explained about the Bed Mats and pyjama pants. She decided that she liked the DryNites Pyjama pants especially as they were so pink and girly, she loved the grown up fairy pictures. Alison was with us at the time and she announced that she also wanted grown up pants but she wanted the boy ones. Well some things never change with that one.
Alison is a bit of a tricky toilet trainer. Having been completely dry during the day since she was eighteen months she started regressing last year when Elizabeth became ill. Lots of things changed for her at that time including starting school and it seemed that this was one way to get attention. We still have not got to the solution of that particular problem and she continues to have accidents whether at home, school or out and about. We have tried Pull ups with her a few times, showing her the magic image that disappears. Unfortunately she thinks making it disappear is like magic so she does it on purpose watching in awe as the picture fades away. Not quite what we had in mind.
Alison has also never been dry at night time. She isn’t allowed drinks after 6pm but still wakes up with a nappy fit to burst. The problem with Alison is that she doesn’t wake up for anything. This was definitely a good thing as a baby but when the fire alarm went off at midnight last week whilst on holiday Hubby had to carry her down seven flights of stairs whilst she was still fast asleep. If that cant wake her up needing to go to the toilet doesn’t stand a chance.
I know that, at the ages my girls are, there will be children who are completely dry day and night. I know that we shouldn’t compare our children with others and I know that some parents may even be telling lies about just how advanced little johnny really is with his toilet training but that still doesn’t stop you worrying. I don’t want to be the parent packing my kids off for a sleepover with nappies in their bag but what can I do to help? I found this great article on bedwetting tips on Netmums which should help me with Elizabeth’s occasional mishaps. For Alison I think I just need to find the patience and perseverance to continue what we are doing. When she is dry during the day then I will try at night.
Do you have any hints or tips on helping you kids stay dry whilst in a strange environment? Has it been an issue for you or is it not something you worry about? Also any help on supporting Alison to become dry again will be much appreciated.
I was paid to write this post but all the information and experiences are my own.