Parragon Book Buddies – Goodnight Little One and Things you never knew about Dinosaurs


Goodnight Little One

A relaxing bedtime story that sees all the animals look to the night sky before falling fast asleep. If only my girls would fall asleep as quickly as that. The story is very gentle and had a nice flow and rhyme to it. The pictures do not excite the eye but instead portray calm and sleepyness which is perfect for the last story before your own little ones close their eyes.


Things you never knew about Dinosaurs

On ever street in every town,
maybe next door to you,
dinosaurs are doing things
you won’t believe are true…

You really won’t believe what these colourful and playful dinosaurs have been getting up to but watch out because their favourite thing to do is eating little children. This is a great story to use during the day when you can use toys and props to act out the different activities that the dinosaurs are doing finishing off with a chase as you try to eat the children. A brilliant poem story that really gets the kids interested in the brightly coloured illustrations that go alongside it. Definitely not suitable as a bedtime story though as it is a very stimulating active book