Sexy Vampiress or Horny Devil?

Next week is Halloween and that means that the annual search for a costume has begun, being a larger lady does put me at a bit of a disadvantage as most of the costumes for women seem to be slinky, short and generally for the skinny buxom type rather than the lumpy bumpy body that I have. In fact considering Halloween is at the end of October and therefore quite cold I am surprised that there are not more long, warm costumes available that cover everything instead of leaving nothing to the imagination.
It seems that I am not the only one to think this way as found out when they surveyed over 2000 people in the UK. Over half of those surveyed felt that women’s Halloween costumes were overly-sexualised, whilst 83% off parents found children’s Halloween costumes to be inappropriate for the age at which they are marketed.

It was really hard to find age appropriate Halloween costumes for the girls and I found that all of the witches outfits to be too short and I was really happy when Elizabeth chose this fantastic cat outfit from Aldi. It is long, it covers everything and I think it is perfect for her age.