Saving money with I’m Cheaper from Morrisons #MorrisonsMum 

This bank holiday has been anything but normal and with the combination of Blog On and Elizabeth been admitted into hospital for the last five days has meant that all of our best laid plans were thrown out of the window.

I am such that you have seen the current #MorrisonsMum and #MorrisonsDad campaign that a lot of bloggers are currently involved in and I was really happy to have the chance to take part too. I have been shopping at Morrisons for quite a while and back in 2011 I wrote a post about being a food snob and how quality is just as important as price when it comes to doing my supermarket shop. After giving up my full time job to become a childminder I realised how important it was to try and get the best for my money and started to explore the Morrisons savers range, most of which was fantastic but I definitely decided not to scrimp on some items. I even took part in a challenge to make five recipes using Morrisons Savers ingredients.

As you can see I have enjoyed shopping at Morrisons over the year and still continue to do my main shop there as I love the quality of the savers range and the market place produce. With the new I’m Cheaper savings I was intrigued to see how much an average weekly shop would be for my family.  It is great to see that Morrisons are rolling out a delivery service and this allowed me to look at the prices online, this is something I like to do before going shopping as it helps me meal plan and budget. The great thing about the I’m Cheaper prices is that these prices will stay this low unlike other supermarkets offers. We don’t buy a lot of processed foods so a lot of the time we miss out on the special offers available in the supermarkets.

To really show value for money I decided to approach this challenge in a different way and using a basic weekly shopping list with our monthly cleaning products thrown in. Using the online prices for both Morrisons and Tesco and ignoring any special offer prices in Tesco as these are subject to change I had a look at where would be cheaper for me to shop.

A standard shopping list looks like this.

This shopping list allows us to eat the following meals – Roast dinner, Spaghetti Bolognese, Shepherds Pie, Toad in the Hole, Chicken and bacon casserole, Spanish chicken and mash and finally Chicken wraps and salad. It also gives us enough items for breakfast and lunch for 7 days.

The shop above would cost me £64.84 in Morrisons and £78.64 in Tesco, a difference of £13.80. Removing the cleaning items the Morrisons shop comes to £56.47 and the Tesco shop comes to £67.35 a difference of £10.88. I did both prices as I wanted to see if the difference in prices of the cleaning products were making a big difference. As I only buy the cleaning products monthly the second figure is more relevant to me.

With a saving of just over £10 on enough food to keep us fed well for a week I can’t wait to feel the difference to my bank balance.

For taking the time to have a look at Morrisons new prices I was given £80 worth of vouchers to spend in Morrisons. I have not used them all yet as we have spent most of the last week in hospital but we did pop to the Morrison Local near the hospital on Monday and snuck Elizabeth off the ward for a picnic in the park. 
It was great to spend some time outside and to make Elizabeth smile after such a busy weekend. So thank you Morrisons and Britmums for making me a #MorrisonsMum and making a difference to such a stressful weekend.

Elizabeth loved picking some flowers to brighten up her hotel room.