Sooty live in the theatre!

“Happy Birthday Sooty!”

It has been a busy few weeks and I almost forgot to tell you about one of the biggest highlights of April and no it wasn’t me turning thirty!

We absolutely love Sooty in our house and I have written up previous experiences of seeing him live in action such as our winter wonderland experience or watching Sooty in space. Each time we see Sooty and the rest of the gang we all fall in love with him that little bit more. We were lucky enough to be offered tickets to go and see Sooty at the theatre and selected to visit him in Buxton.

The excitement started as we pulled up to the theatre to discover Sooty had parked his van just outside. We couldnt resist a quick ph
oto opportunity and Hubby was more than happy to pose with our treasure trove of Sooty merchandise. You would have thought that taking all of that with us meant that we didnt need to buy anymore but the girls couldnt resist spending their pocket money on a new cuddly sooty and a program.
The show was fantastic and included a lot of the classic jokes which had all of the children and adults alike roaring with laughter. Sooty was having a party to celebrate turning 5 (again) and between making the cake, putting up the decorations and waiting for the guests to arrive the gang get up to all sorts of mischief.

Alison absolutely loves the balloon stretching joke which has her in hysterics every time and also listens out for any new nicknames that Richard Cadell uses for Sooty and his friends. Her favourite being Bone brain for Sweep and Custard cheeks for Sooty.  This was classic Sooty mayhem with the unfortunate effect of audience participation. I didn’t mind joining in for Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes but the water pistol seemed to have an unnerving ability to find me in the crowd of people much to the families delight.

This show really is a must see whether for a current Sooty fan or even as a first introduction to this cheeky yellow bear and all of the chaos he brings. Mums and Dads should keep their eyes out for two very old friends who also make an appearance in this show.

To see the full tour schedule go to
Make sure you hang around after the show for your chance to meet Sooty and Richard and make memories that will last a lifetime.