That’s it – after a stressful bath time, a struggle to put pyjamas on your sprogs and an hour-long reading of a bedtime story, you can finally collapse on the settee and relax.
With limp arms and tired eyes, you head to the last adult refuge in your home – the bedroom. That’s right, you’ll generally find that the only place to relax in your house away from the jovial air of Peppa the Pig and Iggle Piggle is your own room, meaning you’ll want to make it as perfect space as possible.
With that in mind, here are a few ways to turn your bedroom into a haven when the kids have drifted off to sleep.
Find the ideal flooring
Imagine if the first thing you feel on your feet when you step into your bedroom is a draughty hardwood floor. It’s as if you’re being welcomed by an iceberg every time you enter your room.
That’s why you need some warm-coloured carpeting to make the place instantly welcoming. To add even greater comfort, invest in some bedroom mats that you can place next to the bed to soothe your soles when you first wake in the morning.
Make a luxury suite with an ensuite
The one thing you’re almost guaranteed to do when you leave your bedroom first thing in the morning is accidentally wake up your kids. They’ll amble up to you, somehow excited at the very idea of being awake. And although you love them and all, it’s only seven in the morning and you haven’t even had your morning toilet trip yet.
The solution – fit an ensuite into your bedroom to freshen up in peace. After which, you’ll be ready to look after your kids without feeling groggy.
DON’T mix work with rest
It’s pretty tempting when you slouch off to your kip to flick on your laptop and see if you can get a bit of extra work done. But that’s exactly what you shouldn’t be doing.
Studies have shown that overstimulation of the brain before bedtime has a negative impact on your ability to sleep, and you’ll know that every second of sleep counts before your kids wake up again.
So, find more passive pursuits to, well, pursue. Read a book or listen to relaxing music and you’ll be able drift off in no time.