Playstation Playfest

There isn’t many things that can tempt me away from my garden and huge to do list with just a week before Blog On and the sun shining. Even fewer things can make me take the whole family on a hot train for the day in London.

For the last two days Playstation opened the doors to Sony HQ in London for their summer Playfest. It was an opportunity for journalists, bloggers and friends of Sony to take their children along and see all the new games that they have coming out before Christmas.

As you can imagine I was very happy when I received my invite but nothing compared to the joy on Hubby’s face when I told him.


Lots of games attracted our attention during the day but nothing quite compared to the lure of the Wonder Book. Showcasing three new games the Wonder Book managed to hold Elizabeth’s attention and draw it back lots of times throughout the day.  I can’t wait to get our hands on the new games including The Book of Potions which seemed to be her favourite although she really enjoyed Diggs Nightcrawler too. I couldn’t resist ordering the Wonder book and Book of spells for her last night particularly when I found it for £9 on amazon.


The Smurfs game was a huge hit with both of the girls but Alison was the one who worked out all of the controls quickly. With this game coming out later this month and just before the new Smurfs movie and with the rrp reflecting the fact that it is a family game I can see it being really popular.

As a platform game it had brilliant graphics, easy controls and amazing backgrounds.

Alison loved the smurf characters and the sound effects. She did find it hard to beat the first boss but after she had been shown how to do it once she managed to complete the level all by herself.

This is definitely a game that she wants to review and I hope to be able to tell you all about it in more detail soon.


The PS4 was the real reason that Hubby woke us all up at 6am yesterday morning.

I am pretty sure that he wasn’t expecting Alison to be the first one in our family to get her hands on the new Dual Shock 4 controller though. As you can see from the photo he is looking pretty jealous of her and almost desperate to grab it of her.


The girls also enjoyed playing with the Playstation Playroom game. With the use of the Xperia Z 10″ and the Dual Shock 4 controller they were able to play a game which incorporated every part of technology in the controller and using the PS4 eye. The game comes preloaded onto every PS4 and it is great fun and a good way to test out all of the different features including the light bar on the controller and the depth-sensing functionality on the PS4 eye. It also allows you to play with lots of little robots and using a special app fling things at them to play with. You will need to purchase the PS4 eye separately but its still great that a game like this is included on all PS4’s.

All in all the day was amazing, I am very jealous of all those who work in Sony HQ as the office looked amazing and I hope to work with some of the lovely people I met to bring you some of the latest and greatest games on the PS Vita, PS3 and PS4.