Its full of comfort foods seen as the weather has turned so miserable.
Monday – Sausage and butter nut squash slow cooked casserole with mash (all gone and was very yummy)
Tuesday – Homemade filo topped chicken pie and mash
Wednesday – Steak, Wedges and vegetables
Thursday – Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Friday – Toad in the hole and mash
Saturday – Spaghetti Bolognese
Sunday – Jerk chicken legs and hot pepper rice
You can see we are having a lot of potatoes this week and this is because we managed to get a large bag on offer when we picked some up for yesterdays roast dinner. To stop them being wasted we are using potato as the main source of carbohydrate for the week.
We didn’t need much to complete these meals and even with the extra bits for lunch the shopping came to less than £10. I wonder if we will need to spend any more of the budget before the week is out.