A few weeks ago, I received an email from Tesco regarding a new page that they had built on their website to help parents to create the perfect Christmas Eve box. If you have not made one before but were looking at doing so this year, then this page can help to give you some ideas about the perfect items to include.
I created our Christmas Eve boxes a while ago and did a video on what we put inside ours for Vlogmas Day 3. This meant that when I was asked if I wanted to create the girls a Christmas Eve box from Tesco I almost turned them down. Instead I decided to pitch them a different idea.
At this time of year, kids are always thinking about themselves and I think it is a good time of year to get them thinking about charity and how they can help others. I asked Tesco if I could use the vouchers from this campaign to take my girls shopping to buy some items for other children who are less fortunate then themselves.
Check out the video of the trip to our local Tesco and all off the amazing items that they managed to buy with our £100.
Introducing the girls to charity giving at Christmas has really made them think carefully about how many presents they have asked for and what they really need. They have made comments about giving away some of the toys that they don’t play with to local missions and shelters and have even made me promise that we can have a sort out of the clothes that they don’t wear too.
I want to say a huge thank you to Tesco for allowing me to do this by making such a generous donation and for helping me show my girls that giving really is better than receiving.