Let us tell you a story . . . Part one

Have you ever made up a story with your friends, taking it in turn to write a line in the story?

Working with some blogger friends we want to tell you a story. We don’t know how it will end or what will happen in the middle. In fact because we will each be making up our own part of the story we will be as intrigued as you to see what will happen next.

I will be starting the story before passing it along to some other fabulous bloggers.

Looking out of the window was becoming more depressing. The rain was lashing down at the window and the only thing that would enjoy weather like this was the fishes. Nothing was moving outside apart from the wind and it added to her loneliness. With a shiver she pulled her dressing gown tighter and huddled closer to the fire. She began to think about the last day. It had certainly been interesting.

So that is part one. I wonder what happened in her day that was so interesting and who is she? I have no idea but I look forward to finding out.

For part two tomorrow head over to see what Kelly has to add from Domestic Goddesque .

Tired Mummy of Two