Learning a new skill with free Tennis Lessons

Back in April, I wrote about the British Lawn Tennis Association offering free tennis lessons for kids and for the last six weeks we have been driving across Manchester on a Thursday evening to take part in these fun free lessons which aimed to get kids into the sport.

Girl tennis lessons

We have had some weird weather over the last six weeks and the girls have played in the glorious sunshine, the snow, and the rain and have learnt some fabulous ball and racket skills. They have learnt how to throw, catch and serve, they have learnt how to work together as a team and they have learnt to hit the ball. In fact I am amazed at how much they have learned in just six weeks and they have both really enjoyed it. We will definitely be looking to see if there are any tennis lessons closer to home and taking advantage of the free tennis courts in our local park so that we can play together as a family.

girl tennis lessons

The tennis lessons we attended were for a group of 10 children of various abilities and the children were mixed around to ensure that they got to play with different people for different activities. This was a great way of improving their team working skills and meant that they were subjected to varying degrees of skill which helped them improve quickly.

girl tennis ball rain tennis lessons

Introducing kids to sports such as tennis at a young age is a great way to give them a skill which they may enjoy in the future as well as help them to get active and have fun. It has certainly opened our eyes to the possibility of continuing lessons and pursuing more after school activities, something I have previously avoided.


LTA Logo

This post is part of the #TennisForKids campaign with BritMums, sponsored by the Lawn Tennis Association in partnership with Highland Spring. Sign up now to be part of Great British Tennis Weekend, which will open up even more free courts for families across the UK in July www.lta.org.uk/gbtw

4 thoughts on “Learning a new skill with free Tennis Lessons”

  1. Wow, you really have played in all weathers! My daughter’s lessons are taking place inside so no such issues. The lessons are fantastic aren’t they? My eldest is getting a huge amount out of them.

  2. It’s great to see the girls enjoying tennis, I always loved playing it in school as a child and The Boy seems to have inherited that as well. I’m amazed at the progress that he’s made in just two sessions, and I bet the girls are the same.

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