Halloween, my favourite time of year and it is here again. Whilst I am celebrating my sixth wedding anniversary in Butlins surrounded by screaming children full of even more sugar than normal you could be enjoying the haunting spooky atmosphere at The Blackpool Tower Dungeon for FREE! Yes, that is right this Halloween (Saturday 31st October, in case you didn’t know) The Blackpool Tower Dungeon is offering free entry to anyone who turns up full Halloween costume. That means your whole family could get in for free if you all dressed up.

Now, this does mean that you cant just put a fake knife through your head and expect to get in free. They want effort and the spookier the better. Now I couldn’t imagine a better place to be spending Halloween than an already pretty spooky venue but they have gone all out in preparation for their favourite night of the year and the broomsticks have come out of the closets, the spiders have been left to create their cobwebs and the witches cupboard has been restocked full of potion ingredients.

Now, this does mean that you cant just put a fake knife through your head and expect to get in free. They want effort and the spookier the better. Now I couldn’t imagine a better place to be spending Halloween than an already pretty spooky venue but they have gone all out in preparation for their favourite night of the year and the broomsticks have come out of the closets, the spiders have been left to create their cobwebs and the witches cupboard has been restocked full of potion ingredients.
The Blackpool Tower Dungeon combines an exciting walk-through adventure full of creepy characters, spooky special effects and over 800 pumpkins as well as stories to rattle your bones. Now, this is not for the faint-hearted and I would think about your younger family members before embarking on your journey as I know that not all adventurers have the heart for this sort of Haunted Halloween Mayhem.
So put on your costumes, park up your broomsticks and head to The Blackpool Tower Dungeon for a frightfully fun Halloween for FREE!
– Free entry is available for all those dressed in full Halloween costume at The Blackpool Tower Dungeon on Saturday 31st October 2015 only
– This offer is specific to The Blackpool Tower Dungeons and not applicable at any other UK Dungeon
– Full Halloween costume MUST consist of top and bottom half outfit as well as headwear and must have a Halloween theme
– Full Halloween can include but not limited to full makeup or mask, shoe wear
– The costume must be worn for the duration of the visit
– The staff at the front desk will confirm whether the Halloween costume warrants free entry and the staff’s decision is final
– The Blackpool Tower Dungeon reserve’s the right to refuse entry at any time and there are limited places
– Free entry is available for all those dressed in full Halloween costume at The Blackpool Tower Dungeon on Saturday 31st October 2015 only
– This offer is specific to The Blackpool Tower Dungeons and not applicable at any other UK Dungeon
– Full Halloween costume MUST consist of top and bottom half outfit as well as headwear and must have a Halloween theme
– Full Halloween can include but not limited to full makeup or mask, shoe wear
– The costume must be worn for the duration of the visit
– The staff at the front desk will confirm whether the Halloween costume warrants free entry and the staff’s decision is final
– The Blackpool Tower Dungeon reserve’s the right to refuse entry at any time and there are limited places