Now those of you who know me will know that I hardly ever wear makeup and never use any products on my face. More because i am too tight and too tired to bother.
When we arrived at the Kiehls counter in selfridges we were confronted with some Beauty Bloggers. I mean real Beauty bloggers the kind that look immaculate. Not the kind of bloggers who come straight from a safari park having not brushed their hair that morning and stinking of the BarBurrito they shoved in their mouths before walking through the doors. To say I felt a bit out of place was an understatement but I looked at Heather and decided that at least we had each other. We then met the lovely LetsTalkBeauty who was amazing and such fun to talk too.
Heather and I put on our naughty hats and decided to experiment with all of teh testers, ok so it was more me than Heather but she started it and the champagne helped me finish it. I tried everything from cleansers, moisturisers, hydrating creams, line reducers, hand creams and even fragrances. I might have got some funny looks but someone had to have some fun. One thing I did learn is that a little goes a long way at Kiehls and a tiny bit of exfoliator on my hand ended up doing my arms, hands and face and I could have kept going if I hadn’t have run out of skin.
We heard more about the history of Kiehls and we heard about the amazing Skin Rescuer from someone who really passionately believes in it. I got this really clever indepth press release about how it works to stop stress affecting the skin and stuff but trying to incorporate that into words after a few glasses of wine just wouldnt do it justice so check out the page on the Kiehls website about the Skin Rescuer for more information.
I wanted to leave you with a little reminder of my fantastic evening supping champagne, covered in lotions and potions in fabulous company.