My top tips for making going on a plane as a family nice and easy.

Having just been on holiday, I decided to share with you some of my top tips for planning a plane trip as a family.

Tip 1 – Sleep close by

If it is an early start the last thing you want to do is having to drive too far before you get to the airport. If you book far enough in advance you can usually find a hotel within 10 miles of an airport for less than £50 and this will be a godsend when you get up in the morning.

Tip 2 – Meet and Greet Airport Parking

This may seem like an extravagance but believe me it is well worth that extra £10. You drive your car to the airport so you only have a short walk and when you come back your car is within easy reach. This is invaluable when the kids are shattered and cranky after the early start or the return journey. When we went from Heathrow we used APH and it all went smoothly.

Tip 3 – Electronics are your friend

Be prepared and download some films and apps that don’t require the internet. As long as devices are switched to airplane mode then they are perfectly safe in the air and if you give your child some over ear headphones they can watch a film in peace whilst you read a nice book.

Tip 4 – Pack the snacks

Although you are not allowed very much liquid through security you are able to take snacks with you, this is great for avoiding the expensive food at the airport but also a lifesaver if your flight ends up delayed. Don’t forget to pack chewy sweets to help relieve the pressure in everyones ears.

Tip 5 – Carry a spare outfit

This goes for everyone in your party. Your hand luggage should contain a change of clothes for each of you as well as any necessary medication, wet wipes, important documents and money in both the currency for the country you are visiting and for the one you have just left.

Can you think of anything else that makes flying as a family easier?