Moshi Monsters at Alton Towers

Being huge Moshi Monster fans we could not turn down the chance to see the 6 main Moshi characters all in one place for the first time ever. We also got the chance to win an Ultra Rare Moshling code by completing the Moshi Quest.

We had to answer two questions from the Quest Masters

Q) What is the name of the baddie who turns Moshlings into Glumps?
Q) What colour is Diavlo?

We also had a few tasks to do like match the symbol, name the four flags, find out the colour of one of the tractors and spot Iggy in the picture below.

We had a fantastic day, we were slightly disappointed that some of the small kids rides were shut, the girls really wanted to go on Charlie and the chocolate factory but they were not that disappointed. Although we have promised we will go back when the weather is nicer and seen as though we have our Merlin Passes I am sure we will be back a few times over the next year.


We have planted our special Moshling seed and now we have to just be patient and wait to see which special Moshling will grow in our garden.