Tatty Teddy and his Blue nose Friends have always been a big hit in our house. We reviewed Peanut’s Lamphouse last year and it is still one of Elizabeth’s favourite toys. We have been through many toy culls over the last year donating most of the toys to the hospital or to charity shops.
The Blue Nose friends are super cute animals with a lovely soft feel to them. and Truffles is no exception. To make him even better he is holding his hands out so he can fit an icecream in his hands which is one of the accessories.
The Camera Cafe comes with a till, three icecreams and two milkshakes as well as Truffles. What makes the Camera Cafe really cool is the view finder with eight characters to look at.
We also received Scuba the Dolphins Beach set which included a deckchair, towel, bucket and spade. Scuba is now Elizabeth’s favourite character.
We received the toys for the purpose of this review.