I fell in love with Misfittens back in January when I was on the Basic Fun stand at London Toy Fair so I couldn’t resist the opportunity to feature them on my site. Based on the trend of people sharing photos of their cats sleeping or sitting in weird places, misfittens are soft plush cats that are squashed inside a cylinder with just their tails on display.
How many Misfittens are available?
In this first series there are 12 Misfitten characters available to collect. They can come in 1 of 8 container designs, each with a fun cat based twist which adds to the fun. All of the Misfittens containers have the tails hanging out. With 4 cat characters available per tail colour it is easier to purchase multiples without the fear of duplicates.

How do Misfittens work?
Misfittens are made of a soft material that can be squashed back into the container. When you get your misfitten out of the container you will need to give it a good shake to help it to grow. It may take some shaking the first time before you get the full results as your Misfitten will have been squeezed into its tight space for quite a while.

What size does Misfittens grow to?
With a good shake a Misfitten can grow to almost double the size. It is still very soft and squishy and it doesn’t feel as full of stuffing as other plush but that just adds to the uniqueness of this product. The fur is soft and strokable and the embroidered eyes are very expressive. The tail and feet have more stuffing in them which gives the Misfittens the stability to stand up by themselves.

Can my Misfittens go back in to its container?
Yes, all you need to do is remove some of the air from your misfitten to allow it to squish back down into the container, remember that the tail doesn’t fit inside so make sure you pop them in head first and leave the tail sticking out through the lid.
Underneath the wrapper you will find a fun container design. There are 8 designs to collect and they all have fun cat based puns as names. The lids screw on and have cute paw print designs as well as a hole in the top for the tail to poke through. I love some of the added design factors on the container which some people may miss. I don’t want to spoil it for you but if you get one make sure you take a thorough look at the design.

I have lost my collectors guide. What Misfittens character do I have?
See the images below to find out which Misfittens you received.
- Knox – The party animal – grey with blue paws, feet and tail
- Fidget – The personal assistant – Ginger tabby with purple belly and purple paws with a ginger tail
- Jinx – The love bug – Black with a white face and belly, purple paws and a purple tail
- Scout – The private investigator – Purple tabby with blue bellow and paws and a purple tail
- Bandit – The sidekick – White with brown face, ears and paws and a purple tail
- Max – The leader – Ginger with black patches, ears and paws with a ginger tail
- Jet – The secret admirer – White with a brown belly and ears, with blue paws and tail
- Evie – The MVP – Blue with purple paws, ears and belly with a blue tail
- Mack – The goofball – Brown with a white bellow, blue paws and a blue tail
- Clawdia – The star – Purple with a slightly darker purple patch and blue inside her ears, with a purple tail
- Ace – The boss – White with black paws and ears, with a ginger patch and a ginger tail

Where can I buy Misfittens?
Misfittens are currently available in all good toy shops, online and instore. They cost around £12 per character.