We were sent some books from Miles Kelly to help keep the girls reading over the summer holidays and I was really impressed with them (although Alison wished that they had sent some of the less girly titles).
The books start by telling you how to use them and explaining the phonemes and blends that feature when teaching phonics. There are also a selection of stickers so that children can do the activities throughout the book.
The stories feature bright pictures and focus on a variety of sounds and different ways to help the children learn then. At the end of the books you get a set of words with which you have to match the sound using some of the word stickers provided at the front. This is a great way of ensuring that they understand each of the phonemes and blends that are featured.
We did find that the books were aimed at children younger than mine or ones without as much reading experience so if your child has not yet learnt all of their phonemes and blends then they books are a great tool to use to help them do that.