When it comes to Christmas my girls are more excited by the little things, the stocking fillers, than by the bigger more expensive presents. With that in mind, this post takes a look at some of the smaller items that they have really enjoyed playing with this year. Items that I think make the perfect stocking fillers or lower value present ideas.
Bubbleez and Orb Odditeez Slime balls have both been a big hit with my girls this year. Basically, anything squidgy and slimy has been a big hit with them this year. I have to say that I find the Odditeez Slime balls to be very therapeutic to squish. I would definitely recommend these as stocking fillers if your kids like slime and you hate the mess.
When it comes to plush toys there are so many on offer that it is hard to choose which ones would make the best stocking fillers. Posh Paws make some gorgeous plush including these super cute Disney characters available in lots of different designs. Pikmi Pops are Elizabeths current favourite blind plush collectable. They smell delicious and come in lots of different character designs. These would both make great stocking fillers.
There are less boy orientated collectables on the market than there are girl ones but there are still some great ones out there. The Grossery Gang have been around for quite a while and these Time Wars ones make great stocking fillers. Treasure X has been a big hit this year and the idea of being able to get real gold dipped treasure keeps kids interested. With the added figure to collect there are lots of elements to Treasure X for kids to enjoy.
Two of the girl orientated collectables that have surprised me this year are Shopkins Mini Packs and Kekilou. The Shopkins Mini Packs we received are small Shopkins in food orientated containers so you know what collection you are receiving. Kekilou are small collectable bags that are dolls and make up all at once. Great for younger kids who want their own make up and something to play with.
If you are looking to add to current collections then the Schleich horse club accessories make great stocking fillers and the tiny Tonka trucks are a great addition to a growing vehicles collection.
If you are looking for figures to collect then these PJ Masks Collectible figures are perfect for preschoolers and the Pokemon Battle figures are a great gift even for grown-up children.
Stocking Fillers are a great way to spread a bit for festive cheer whilst not spending a fortune.