We are huge fans of the Hasbro FurReal products so when I heard that they had made a Chewbacca one I was very excited. The Hasbro Star Wars Ultimate Copilot Chewie is suitable for children aged 4 plus and takes 4 AA batteries. He is just over 43 cm tall and produces over 100 sound and movement combinations.
When in the Box his hair is covered in gel but if you brush the gel out then his hair goes soft and fluffy. Chewie also has a bag which you can open and place stuff inside.
He has a variety of push sensors on his stomach and head and he also reacts to motion and sound meaning that he responds when you talk to him. He lifts his arms, makes various noises and facial expressions. He has such a character that you can’t resist wanting to give him a hug. Chewie laughs, roars and even snores. When you stroke his head he can even make contented noises almost like a cat purring.
You can also move his legs to place him in a seated position and he will respond in the same way.
The thing that I love the most about Ultimate CoPilot Chewie is his facial expressions. He has so many amazing expressions that you will think that he is real and the Wookiee sounds that he makes to accompany the expressions are really cute.
If you lie Chewie down he will shut his eyes and start to fall asleep with lots of yawning, stretching and snoring.
Alison absolutely loves her Ultimate Copilot Chewie and I can see why. In fact, I would love to adopt him myself but I think I would have a fight on my hands.