If a family game involved getting splatted or getting wet then my girls will love it so when we were asked if we wanted to review the new Egged On game by Hasbro I said yes. Now I had hoped that this would be one of those games where I wouldn’t have to play but apparently not. This is after all a family game and so it came about that the whole family had to play together.
Inside the Egged On box you get an egg carton with 10 refillable soft plastic eggs and a spinner. The game is really simple and is suitable for children aged 5 plus.
Each of the refillable soft plastic eggs can be split in two so that you can fill them with water. According to the rules there are two ways to play. The first way is that the winner is the person who doesn’t get splashed by a runny egg. To play this version you fill up one less egg than you have players. The other way to play is the lucky egg game where the winner is the person who gets splashed. For this game you only fill one of the eggs with water.
To fill the eggs you split them in half and using clean tap water you fill the bottom half of the egg. You then connect the top half and dry the egg so it is not obvious which ones are filled with water.
To play the game, the last person to have eaten eggs for breakfast goes first. They spin the spinner and play their turn depending on where it stopped.
EGG – Egg Yourself by selecting and egg and pressing it against your head
Egg Another – Select and egg and squeeze it over another players head
2 Eggs – Pick two eggs and press them against your head one at a time
Pass – Do Nothing! It’s the next players turn.
You must take the first egg you touch and you can not pick up multiple eggs to determine which ones have water in them.
If you press the egg against your head and get wet then you are out (unless you are playing the lucky egg version in which case you are the winner).
To put the game away you must open all of the eggs and dry them before putting them away. Once they are completely dry you can connect the two halves together and place them back in the carton before putting them away in the box.
We had so much fun playing Egged On as a family and it is so quick and easy to set up which means we can get it out frequently (something I might regret later on!). I would recommend playing this outside or somewhere that you don’t mind getting a bit wet although each egg does only hold a small amount of water. My girls did also suggest filling the eggs with spray cream as an alternative which could be quite fun as it is light weight so less chance of knowing that the egg is going to splat but this is not something that is suggested by the game manufacturers.