CuddleUppets Pink Poodle

Its not often I get a review product through the post that makes me want to write a review straight away but I suppose the fact that these are already on the girls christmas lists and that I fell in love with them at Christmas in July on the Flair stall meant that it really was a predetermined response from me.

A super soft blanket that is also a loveable puppet is a great combination. I just wish these were around when the girls were younger as these would have made ideal security type blankets.

Having seen them and cuddled them at Christmas in July I knew the blanket was very big and lovely and fluffy so it came as no surprise that as soon as it came out of its box the girls had a fight over who would cuddle it first. We have been watching the advert on the TV over the last few weeks and Elizabeth wanted a Pink Poodle so I was very happy when this was what we received. I just need to track down a Yellow Dog for Alison now, oh but be careful it looks like there are some imitations on the market too.

We took “Daisy” the CuddleUppet on holiday to Butlins with us and Elizabeth loved having her in the car on the journeys as well as in her bed when she was sleeping.

Here is a picture of her having a nap on the drive home. 


We received Daisy for the purpose of this review but that didnt affect Elizabeth’s love for this product.