Aladdin’s Flying Carpet game by University Games

Aladdin’s flying carpet game by University games is suitable for ages 4 plus and as such has a really simple game play. The object of the game is to put the treasure on the magic carpet without it falling off or the magic carpet falling down.

The Magic Carpet is held to the base by a thin clear wire that allows you to tighten it to the right height. The top of the carpet has a strong magnet inside that is used to hold it up.

The game play is really simple with the youngest player going first taking a piece of trasure form the bag without looking and placing it on Zephyr the flying carpet. The other players then take it in turns. The game ends when Zephyr falls and the winner is the last person who successfully placed a piece of treasure before he fell.
Although the game is simple it is great for hand eye coordination, fine motor skills and problem solving and both of my girls love it.

We would definitely recommend this as an easy to play game for kids of all ages.