Next’s Dress for Christmas Competition

The lovely and very beautiful, funny and charismatic Northern Mum (did I creep enough?) has a brilliant competition on her blog at the moment where you can win £500 next vouchers to spend on Christmas. All you have to do is create Christmas outfits for the family.

With the help of my little fashion connoisseur Elizabeth we have selected our ideal outfits for Christmas Day. Now in our house Christmas is all about the new clothes, we get new Pyjamas, new dressing gowns, slippers, underwear and two outfits. One for day time use and one for visiting family or going to a party.

This does involve a certain amount of clothes shopping which I hate but Elizabeth loves, so it is good she is currently off school as she has been able to help me select the perfect outfits.

Here is what Elizabeth has chosen for herself

Alison loves green so I was very impressed with the choice of green items in the girls section. Elizabeth once again chose her sisters outfits.
Daddy was fairly easy to choose for apparently as he is a boy and therefore boring although she did like the Super dad pjs and the funny slippers a lot.
So now it is my turn so I told Elizabeth that we had finished and then spent the next three hours trying to work out what goes with what because I am shit at all this fashion stuff. Give me a hoody and a pair of jeans and I will be happy but I do love shopping on Next, as my account with them agrees, so I thoroughly enjoyed selecting these outfits.
So there you have it, it adds up to a lot more than £500 but its all bloody fabulous isn’t it. Unfortunately if we did win we would have to choose who gets what and no doubt my amazingly fabulous outfits will be the ones to be sacrificed.

I want to say a special thank you to Northern Mum and Next because even if I don’t win I actually really enjoyed the fake retail therapy that was involved in this post.

ps. because I had so much fun doing this I have just added all the items above to my Pinterest Board Next’s Dress for Christmas (with