A whole week has gone since I started this countdown, I have 63 days or 9 weeks left before my cruise. I have done no exercise at all this week but I have found that writing my journey on my blog each day has made me stick to plan a lot more. I weighed in at Slimming World this evening and had a loss on 1.5 lbs. It wasn’t as much as I had hoped as I have been good this week but I realised that I haven’t been having my healthy B choice which could have had an impact.
Today I was on the school trip so it was all about preparation. I had two slices of no crust wholemeal toast with marmite for breakfast and for lunch I had vegetable sticks, houmous and cooked chicken breast. I did also have a chocolate shortbread which was a bit naughty but we all need a treat sometimes. For dinner, I had made a syn free sausage casserole in my slow cooker for us to eat after Slimming World. However, I wanted some carbohydrates to go with it and due to lack of time we opted for some chip shop chips. I know, a silly decision really but I only ate half of a small portion so hopefully it hasn’t done too much damage.
The next week is going to be ridiculously tough, we have a curry tomorrow night, Elizabeth’s birthday party and meal out on Saturday, a fathers day afternoon tea on Sunday and then on Monday I head to France for four nights on a press trip to experience the Loire Valley. I can’t wait to go but am very aware that I will be eating in restaurants for every meal and get to visit quite a few wineries too. As I said it is going to be tough but I am going to try to make good choices and not over eat and will be updating this blog with my choices. They may not be slimming world friendly but if I am still accountable then they will be as close as I can get.