When an email dropped into my mailbox this morning from Build-a-Bear workshop that featured a plush Ewok I almost squealed. I am a huge Star Wars fan and I absolutely love Ewoks so I was very excited by the news that Build-A-Bear Workshop had an Ewok teddy as well as a few other Star Wars ones and to make it even better they were on offer. Alison already has Chewbacca after a previous visit so she had her sights set on Darth Vader or the Star Wars bear. Elizabeth loved the look of the StormTrooper bear and I couldn’t wait to see if Wicket was as cuddly and soft as he looked.

It didn’t take much convincing before we were all in the car after school and heading to the Build-A-Bear Workshop at the Trafford Centre to get some new furry friends to join our family.
The girls soon chose their favourites and as there was a buy one get one for £8 deal we decided that Daddy would have to have one too so he ended up with Darth Vader. There were so many fantastic noises to choose from such as the Star Wars theme tune, the imperial march, Darth Vader’s breathing and even an Ewok sound effect which features 6 phrases.
When all the bears were stuffed it was time to give them their hearts. This is one of Elizabeth’s favourite parts and she was really enthusiastic when it came to making her bear Cheeky! She also wished really hard, let’s just hope it wasn’t for a puppy.
When it came to choosing costumes for the bears it was really tricky. Darth Vader and Wicket didn’t need a costume so we stood to the side and let the girls decided what their bears wanted to wear. Although Elizabeth had the StormTrooper bear which doesn’t really need a costume she really wanted to turn it into Captain Phasma so we let her do that whilst Alison selected the Finn costume for her bear.
Once dressed and all ready to go we headed to the computers to give them names and print of the birth certificates.
There were so many amazing costumes from the old films and the new one as well as themed pyjamas, slippers and even an R2D2 hoodie. It made it really tricky to decide but I think the girls both made a good choice. They have made me promise that as soon as they save up some more pocket money then we have to go back as they want even more star wars costumes.
I have to say that as far as May the Fourths go this one was pretty Epic and now I have Wicket with me to celebrate it from now on. Why not check out the Build-A-Bear Website to see more about the special Star Wars deal that they have on at the moment and maybe even pick up the Web Exclusive Yoda!
We were gifted with two bears from Build-a-bear. We purchased all the other items including the outfits, accessories and additional bears.