Building Your Author Platform – Essential Steps for Self-Publishers

An author platform is a multi-faceted approach to connecting with potential readers, encompassing various tools and channels. This includes a personal website, social media profiles, blogs, and email newsletters, all integral in reaching and engaging your audience. Additionally, personal appearances and understanding the nuances of book printing and distribution add depth, ensuring a comprehensive approach to connecting with and captivating your readership.

For self-publishers, the author platform is indispensable. More than a way to sell books, a robust platform establishes your credibility as an author, helping you to build trust with your audience and foster long-term relationships with your readers.

The Importance of a Dedicated Website

An author without a website is like a shop without a storefront. Your website is a space entirely yours, away from the noise and competition of social media or third-party platforms. It’s the ultimate tool for establishing your brand and showcasing your work.

Key Elements of an Author Website:

Engaging Author Bio:

Who are you? What drives you to write? What are your influences? A compelling bio helps build a connection with your readers.

Book Descriptions and Links:

Feature each of your books with enticing descriptions that capture the essence of your stories. Include high-quality images of your book covers and provide direct links to where they can be purchased.

A Regularly Updated Blog:

Share your writing process, insights into your characters, or thoughts on the literary world. Regular posts keep your site dynamic, encouraging visitors to return and boosting your SEO.

Newsletter Sign-Up:

Encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. This direct marketing tool lets you reach out to your audience without the filter of social media algorithms.

Contact Information:

Make it easy for readers, potential collaborators, and the press to reach you. Include a simple contact form, professional email address, and links to your social media profiles.

Creating and maintaining a professional website requires some investment, both in time and potentially money, but it’s an investment in your career as an author.

Mastering Social Media

The landscape of social media is vast and varied, with each platform offering unique advantages and audiences. As an author, selecting platforms that align with your goals, content style, and where your target audience is most active is essential.

Overview of Different Platforms:


Great for building a community around your author brand. It allows for longer posts, hosting of events, and creation of author pages.


Ideal for quick, frequent updates, networking with other writers and industry professionals, and participating in writing-related conversations.


Highly visual; perfect for sharing book covers, snippets of your writing, and personal images that offer a glimpse into your life as an author.


More professional, it helps connect with industry professionals, share achievements, and write more detailed articles related to your field.

Tips for Selecting the Best Platforms Based on Target Audience:

Know Your Audience:

Research where your target demographic is most active. Younger readers might be on Instagram, while a more professional audience might be on LinkedIn.

Consider Your Content Style:

If you’re more comfortable with visuals and short texts, Instagram might suit you. If you excel in engaging through written content, Facebook or Twitter could be more appropriate.

Don’t Overextend:

It’s better to be highly effective on one or two platforms than to have a minimal presence on many. Choose platforms that you can manage effectively and consistently.

Content Strategies for Social Media

The content you share on social media should be a mix of promotional material and engaging, valuable posts that resonate with your audience.

Balancing Promotional Content with Engaging, Valuable Posts:

Follow the 80/20 Rule:

About 80% of your content should be engaging, informative, or entertaining, while only 20% should be directly promotional.

Share Your Journey:

Post about your writing process, challenges, successes, and experiences. This personal touch can create a deeper connection with your audience.

Provide Value:

Share tips, insights, or interesting snippets related to writing or your genre. Offering value keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Examples of Effective Social Media Content for Authors:

Book Teasers and Excerpts:

Share intriguing quotes or short excerpts from your work to pique interest.

Behind-the-Scenes Content:

Post about your writing routine, research trips, or the inspiration behind your stories.

Interactive Content:

Polls, questions, or contests can be great for engaging with your audience. For example, ask your followers to choose the name of a character in your next book.

Live Sessions:

Host live Q&A sessions, readings, or discussions about writing and books.

Collaborations with Other Authors:

Engage in cross-promotions, joint live sessions, or book discussions to tap into each other’s audiences.

Social media requires strategic thinking, a clear understanding of your audience, and a commitment to regular engagement. By mastering social media, you can significantly amplify your reach, build meaningful relationships with your readers, and enhance your overall presence as an author in the digital world.

Engaging with the Writing and Reading Community

Building a network within the writing and reading community is vital for gaining support, sharing experiences, and learning new aspects of the craft and business of writing.

Effective Networking:

Be Active and Contribute:

Regular participation and contribution to discussions are key. Offer advice, answer questions, and share your experiences.

Build Genuine Relationships:

Networking isn’t just about what you can get; it’s about building genuine connections. Focus on how you can help others as well.

Leverage Online Platforms:

Use social media, writing forums, and online communities to connect with other authors and readers. LinkedIn, Goodreads, and specialised writing forums are good places to start.

Attending Events and Conferences

Physical events like book fairs, writing conferences, and workshops offer unique opportunities for growth, learning, and networking.

Benefits of Participating in Book Fairs and Writing Conferences:

Direct Exposure:

These events put you directly in front of readers, publishers, and fellow writers.

Learning Opportunities:

Conferences often feature workshops, panels, and talks from industry experts, providing invaluable learning opportunities.


These events are perfect for meeting industry professionals, which can lead to future opportunities for collaborations or publishing.

How to Make the Most Out of These Events:

Prepare Your Pitch:

Prepare a concise and compelling description of your book and author brand. Practice it until it feels natural.

Set Goals:

Know what you want to achieve –learning something specific, meeting certain individuals, or promoting your book.

Bring Marketing Materials:

Have business cards, bookmarks, or copies of your book. These materials should be professionally made and reflect your brand.

Follow Up:

Collect business cards and make notes of people you meet. After the event, follow up with a personalised email or message.

Engaging with the writing and reading community, both online and offline, can profoundly impact your author journey. It opens doors to new opportunities, provides invaluable support and learning, and helps you to establish your name in the literary world. Building a successful author platform is as much about fostering meaningful connections as promoting your work.

Consistency in Branding

While diversifying your content, maintaining a consistent brand image and voice across all platforms and formats is crucial.

The Importance of a Consistent Brand Image and Voice Across All Content:

Brand Recognition:

Consistency helps in building brand recognition. Your audience should be able to recognise your content immediately, whether it’s a blog post, a podcast episode, or a social media update.

Professionalism and Trust:

A consistent brand image conveys professionalism and reliability, building trust with your audience.

Cohesive Message:

Your brand voice and image should align with your writing style and the themes of your books. This coherence ensures that your message remains clear and resonant across all mediums.

Incorporating multimedia into your author platform keeps your content fresh and engaging and demonstrates your versatility as a content creator. By embracing various formats and maintaining a consistent brand, you can effectively broaden your appeal and deepen your connection with your audience.

Always be open to new ideas and opportunities. The literary world is constantly evolving, and so should your approach to your author platform. Experiment with different strategies, learn from your successes and failures and always keep your audience’s preferences and interests at the forefront.

Remember that building a robust author platform doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and patience. Celebrate your milestones, no matter how small, and keep pushing forward. Your platform is your bridge to your readers and the foundation of your career as a self-published author.