Sunday was the first weekend day off I have had in weeks. We were all at home and the weather was miserable. Ok so it wasn’t a storm but a lovely bit of drizzle. We put on our wellies (or in my case snow boats) and our rain coats and went for a walk to our local cycle track.
We are very lucky as the track is within 200 metres of our house and it is covered in blackberry bushes.
Whilst Hubby started the roast dinner I took the both girls and their tubs down the track.
They had more fun than I ever thought possible and we were very lucky to find so many berries on the bushes.
The girls persevered through the drizzle and the cold, picking the biggest and best berries. We discussed why we didnt pick the red ones and why we should leave some on the bushes for the animals. The girls were very restrained and they didn’t eat any of them straight from the bush.
We took the blackberries home to wash them and then Alison sat an ate a small bowl of hers. Elizabeth wanted us to make a Blackberry and Apple crumble with hers so that is what we had for pudding on Wednesday.
Its amazing how fantastic the simple pleasures in life are and it reminded me that it will soon be time to feed the squirrels in our local country park. I need to stock up on some monkey nuts, raisins and get myself some new wellies.
I have fallen in love with these gorgeous aubergine Hunter wellies that I found on the Bell Shoes website.