Gullivers World Warrington

Since Camelot shut last year there is now only two theme parks that are close enough to our house to not require a lot of forward planning. Seen as we have spent a far amount of time at Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Nickelodeon Land this year we decided it was about time we went to visit Gullivers world. We have been to Gullivers World Matlock Bath previously but we were not that impressed so we decided to head to Gullivers World Warrington.


We were lucky enough to be given press tickets for the day so we went in with high hopes. I know that Warrington had a new hotel build last year so I hoped the rest of the resort reflected the investment. I have to say it was a lot better than I was expecting. When we visited Matlock bath many years ago it looked old and tired. Warrington seemed a lot better.

So much thought has gone into the areas surrounding the rides and not just the rides themselves that it is really quite magical just walking around. We were very lucky that although we went on the last weekend of the Summer holidays there were not really any queues, well apart from one ride but we should have known better.
The rides at Gullivers were all fairly basic but good fun all the same and because the queues were very short we managed to get on quite a few. There were lots of play areas in the different lands and this made for a refreshing break. We did notice some of the park decorations were getting a bit worn but as we were coming to the end of the summer season I am sure they will get those spruced up quickly enough. For every bit that looked worn, there was a part that looked fantastic. The girls toilets all over the resort were amazing and the princess area looked brilliant.

We managed to find some fairly healthy food in one of the cafes and we had Jacket potato, chilli and cheese which was tasty and the girls just had a snack box of sandwiches, drink and crisps. It wasn’t too expensive coming in at less than £20 for the four of us including a tea and coffee.

We would definitely go back to Gullivers as we missed out on doing so much due to time and the girls really wanted to go on even more rides, play in the dinosaur fossil dig and play on more outdoor play equipment. There is so much to do it is hard to fit it all in. We would also bring our swimming costumes and head into Splashzone which looked amazing, the girls thought I was a bad Mummy because I forgot to bring their costumes with us.

A highlight of the day for the girls and Hubby was watching the Zingzillas on stage. We have the cd in our car so we were all singing along to their songs.