Ok mostly I blame the school but seriously my three year old thinks I can magic up a costume in one evening and what school tells parents the day before that the kids need to be in costume for World Book Day and have the relevant book! No pirates or princesses as we dont have any books of those although we do have lots of the costumes. So Elizabeth chose this…
What three year old girls wants to be a rat anyway?
So the costume
Black boots – check
Purple trousers – check
White top – check
Sword – check
Hat with feather – check
Black cape – one of mummies tops which can be cut to shreds check
Oh ok so its not that hard apart from the facepaints I have been to four different shops for facepaints tonight what makes it worse is they have to be snazaroo facepaints as otherwise she has a reaction to them and do you know which shop sold them? The closest bloody one!
Anyway I need a drink and then I need to cut up one of my tops to make a cape.
I will post up a picture tomorrow as I reckon she will look great (she better won