Always a good conference to attend Blog Summit is run by Tots100, a free blogging conference that is open to members of Tots100 and Foodies100. I attended the Birmingham Blog Summit in May and it literally changed my life after listening to Andy Cope from Being Brilliant.
Blog Summit always has excellent speakers and this one was no exception with Ben from Goodbye pert breasts, Ruth from Geek Mummy, Sarah from Jabberworks, Helen from Fuss Free Flavours and Emily from A Mummy too.
There were so many fantastic tips to be shared but here are a few I jotted down to help me
Tweet between 8am till 10am, 4pm till 6pm and 7pm till 9pm for maximum impact.
Asking for a RT works but asking for a Retweet works better.
Tweet in less than 120 characters so people can retweet and add to it.
Use Picasa. I am still getting my head round it but it looks good.
Save pictures as less than 640 pixels to speed up loading times.
Watermark your images, a great android app is add watermark free which I have downloaded and looks good.
Keep your about me page up to date.
Set the scene for pictures makes them look better.
Do creative reviews to make them more interesting.
Collaborate with others.
That last point was given by Sarah from Jabberworks. She collaborates with other illustrators a lot and it produces great work. She inspired me to approach a group of bloggers to see if we can do something different. That is how “Let us tell you a story” came about. I also used Ruth’s tips to create the badge that goes with it.
It was a great day full of inspiration, wonderful people and amazing food. It was lovely to meet the girls from Cow and Gate and Volvo and I look forward to working with them in the future.