Are you taking part in the Race for Life? My top five tips to get you through

Last year we took part in the Race For Life, we didn’t train for it and it was hard. If it wasn’t for the fact I got to walk some of the way because of the girls I don’t think I would have ever have made it round. This smiling face got me through.
Although we are not taking part this year due to other commitments I can remember the sense of pride and the overall emotion of the day wash over me. Now with Elizabeth no longer receiving treatment and being officially cancer-free, those emotions are still raw. The work that Cancer Research does is amazing for all different types of cancer and the money we raise helps towards that.
I may not be taking part this year but I definitely have some tips for you to help you get through the day.

1) Get training. 5k is a long way and although you can walk the sense of achievement from jogging or running is amazing and you feel like you earned every penny of your sponsor’s money.

2) Ask for sponsorship in person, people are a lot less likely to say no to your face than over the internet. Facebook posts might get you a bit but take your form into work or any social setting and the sponsorship will pile in.

3) One race day make sure you take safety pins for your number, it is amazing how many people forget

4) carry tissues, you will cry at some point. The hardest part for me was seeing all the people who were obviously still going through treatment or just finished treatment.

5) stay hydrated but don’t drink loads before you start, needing a wee halfway round is not a good thing

Lastly, enjoy the race, talk to those around you and soak up the atmosphere, you are taking part in an amazing thing and you should be proud.