This Weekend we are very excited to get our first chance to head across to Be Gung Ho and take part in the craziest, wackiest 5K ever. The last of the events for 2015 I have had this firmly on my calendar for months after realising we were out of the country for the closest event in Liverpool. Be Gung Ho has taken Liverpool and Newcastle by storm now and each photo and video just makes me want to take part even more. This Saturday Be Gung Ho will take over Windsor Racecourse and we will be there to capture all of the fun.
I was going to actually tackle the obstacles myself but after watching a few youtube videos I decided that this was an event where I would definitely be better off with the camera so I can capture the mayhem instead so I have pulled in the reinforcements and will be watching Gaming Daddy of Two, my little brother and the girls Grandfather take on this challenge. Then I will build up my fitness levels to compete next year because it looks amazing and so much fun!
We are ready to Be Gung Ho, are you?