It is of great importance to ensure that both you and your children are adequately dressed for the temperature. Always give your child a coat or jumper to take to school, even if they think they won’t need it as it is always better to be safe than sorry. As we all know, British weather is incredibly unpredictable: it can be beautiful blue skies one minute and torrential rain the next. Always try and ensure your children are prepared for every eventuality when it comes to weather-appropriate clothing.
Diet goes a long way towards maintaining good general health. While we are advised to eat a minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, this can be difficult with children. Try to find a creative way to dress it up for them; you can, for example, try to make a face out of their vegetables on their plate to see if they’d be happier to eat their vegetables that way. Smoothies and soups are also good, as they contain lots of fruit and vegetables, but taste and look more interesting to children. Just remember not to add sugar or salt and try to keep it natural.
As winter approaches, it is time to make sure your home is prepared for the big winter freeze and that your heating system is up to scratch. A lot of old gas boilers aren’t very energy-efficient in comparison to newer heating methods such as electric radiators by the likes of Verismart Heating, who also ensure their heating systems are affordable, or wood pellet burners, which are available from a number of manufacturers. In addition to heating, ensuring that your loft insulation is up to scratch will trap some of that heat in your home, keeping it nice and warm. You may also want to look at your windows, as double glazed windows have a much bigger capacity to insulate your property than single pane windows. It may be worthwhile investing in some new windows as this may save you a huge amount on your heating in the long term.
It is almost inevitable that someone in the family will come down with a cold virus over the course of autumn and winter, but all we can do is try our best to prevent it and manage the symptoms the best we can by ensuring we are getting enough rest and fluids as well as keeping ourselves warm!