Alison Captures the Colour #Kidsctc


Seriously how many photos can one child take!

All of the pictures taken here were taken by Alison. She turned four at the beginning of September and some of these photos were taken at the end of August so some by a three year old and some by a four year old. She has really enjoyed having her own camera and for that I am really grateful to Travel Supermarket for hosting the Kids Capture the Colour competition, even if she doesn’t win she has really enjoyed having her own camera and is looking forward to taking it on holiday with her.


This was one of a few red flowers in our garden that Alison seemed to love taking pictures off. I like this one as you can see the lines on the individual petals and most of the other colours look a bit bleached out.



Alison took a few photos of blue things as it is one of her favourite colours. She took lots of sky shots and some blue flowers but I love this picture just because it is something that an adult wouldn’t take and it shows her innocence and well because it is mostly blue/



We have been very lucky with the flowers in our garden this year and these gorgeous white flowers have been around the edge of our garden for the last few months. A lot of the White things Alison took pictures off were mostly off whites, creams and beige but I love how bright the white looks in this picture.



Ok Alison told me this picture was for the green category so I am not going to argue with her. We have a lovely wild flower field near our house that we love to pick flowers from, I took her there to tale pictures of Poppys and Butterflies but she was more interested in the wide angle shots. She is very proud of this picture.



Based on how few pictures of yellow things I could find on her memory card I would say this was the hardest category for her to complete. This is a view out of our back door at a wind sock we have in our garden.

I have really enjoyed looking through the photos for all the entries and wish them all the best of luck. I am really happy to have nurtured a real interest in photography in Alison (and Elizabeth) without having to sacrifice my camera to them.