I am a huge fan of brainstorm toys because they create science toys, toys that make you think, toys that explain something of the natural world.
When we visited the space centre in the summer we spent a long time looking at the different Brainstorm toys on sale and one of the ones that caught Elizabeth’s eye was the My very own rainbow maker. Now she was being a little brat then so there was no way I was going to buy it for her and I soon forgot all about it.
Not so long ago I received a press release fro Brainstorm toys from a PR that I have worked with a lot and there in the press release was My very own Rainbow maker. Soon afterwards it came through the door and I have been meaning to write this post for weeks. The problem is that Elizabeth keeps it in her room so I keep forgetting it is there.
My Very own rainbow is a simple yet brilliant idea which projects a rainbow of light onto any surface. Using 5 coloured LED lights which reflect onto a curved mirrored surface before bouncing off. Elizabeth has loved this and still continues to use it every bedtime as a night light.
When we visited the space centre in the summer we spent a long time looking at the different Brainstorm toys on sale and one of the ones that caught Elizabeth’s eye was the My very own rainbow maker. Now she was being a little brat then so there was no way I was going to buy it for her and I soon forgot all about it.
Not so long ago I received a press release fro Brainstorm toys from a PR that I have worked with a lot and there in the press release was My very own Rainbow maker. Soon afterwards it came through the door and I have been meaning to write this post for weeks. The problem is that Elizabeth keeps it in her room so I keep forgetting it is there.
My Very own rainbow is a simple yet brilliant idea which projects a rainbow of light onto any surface. Using 5 coloured LED lights which reflect onto a curved mirrored surface before bouncing off. Elizabeth has loved this and still continues to use it every bedtime as a night light.