Do you ever hear the words “Are we nearly there yet?”, we don’t! #arewenearlythereyet

We travel the country in our car all the time and packing to go away is always a struggle but the one thing we never forget to pack is our in car dvd players and an assortment of dvds. In fact it has recently got even better when we bought the girls over ear headphones and meant that now we don’t need to listen to their dvds and instead we can listen to the radio. Unfortunately this did lead to arguments in the car, after all I don’t want to listen to a sports radio station and gaming daddy of two is not always keen to listen to team rock radio.

When it comes to the kids though we dont tend to have many arguments. They take it in turn to choose their dvds and we always make sure we have enough for the journey plus spares to ensure that if we ever get stuck in traffic we still have enough.

ParkDean have created a video using some top tips for traveling with kids and have even more on their Are We Nearly There yet page. So if you still have to take your summer holiday or even if you are heading out for a day trip why not take a look at some of the tips and ensure that your journey doesn’t ruin your day.