The Wonderous World of …. personalised books

Earlier this year I attended a Christmas in July event where the Wonderous Ink books were showcased. Wonderous Ink create a personalised story using the child’s name. Unlike other personalised books where the name is substituted but the story stays the same, the child’s name dictates how the story goes.
Here is an example of the story for Alison

Her A was a ladder for an Astronaut
Her L was a scooter for a Lion
Her I was a bridge for an Iguana
Her S was a hook for a Squirrel
Her O was a ring for two Otters
Her N was a gate for a Nanny Goat

The story is truly wonderous and is a feel good story that makes the child feel special especially as the wonderous meaning of her name is
Outstanding and

These books are well illustrated and something that the children love to read or have read to them.