Pop! Pop! Pinata by Hasbro gaming

A few weeks ago Elizabeth saw the advert for Pop! Pop! Pinata on the TV and asked if I could get it to play with so I was really happy when an email fell into my mailbox asking if we wanted to review it.

Pop! Pop! Pinata is a really easy to play game that involves a pinata donkey, lots of small plastic gifts and a button. That is pretty much it. You press the button and if only a few gifts fall out you put those in your cup and play moves to the next player, if all the gifts fall out you scramble to get as many in your cup as you can before everyone else. The winner of the round is the one with  the most gifts in their cup.

The donkey comes apart easily so it is quite a skill to only make a few fall out. You need to push the button softly but not so softly it doesnt go high enough.

It is easy to shut the donkey and all the plastic gifts are placed in the top by lifting up the saddle.

We really enjoy playing this game and it was easy for the girls to play by themselves although they had more fun just loading it up and breaking it open than actually playing the game by the rules.

Check out this video review of me getting it out of the box and working out how to play it.