Based on the “Les Pyjamasques” book series by French author Romuald Racioppo, PJ Masks is the new Disney Junior show that follows young friends Connor, Amaya and Greg as night falls when they become superheroes. They put on their pyjamas and activate their animal amulets and turn into their alter egos, Catboy, Owlette and Gekko, before going on crazy action filled adventures throughout town. Every night they solve mysteries and learn valuable lessons along the way. The PJ Masks HQ itself comes in 3 brightly coloured pieces, the main HQ, a blue plastic slide and a road for the entrance. They slot together easily, although they do fall out if you move the set so you have to keep putting them back together which can become annoying. The only good thing about the pieces coming apart easily is that it can be put away relatively flat, so a bonus for us parents.
On the main PJ Masks HQ there are several adventure aspects your little one can play with. You can activate the red owl vision, just like Owlette and reveal Luna Girl (the villain) and her moths. You can trap the villains in the tree snarls, which close in on them to keep them trapped. There is a spy scope, which doubles up as a fur-ball shooter ready to shoot down Romeo or Ninjanino when they attack.
In the centre of the PJ Masks HQ is a pop out, battery operated (3x AAA included in the box), light up Control Centre which flashes, sings the theme tune and says phrases from the hit Disney Junior show. This is great fun for little ones as they can make Catboy speak in Catboy’s actual voice. This creates great imagination play, which always goes down well with little ones.
Catboy and his Cat Car Vehicle are made of sturdy blue plastic and even after being thrown around they still have yet to scratch or break, which is a great sign.
You can buy Owlette, Gekko and all the villains, with or without their vehicles, separately from all good toy shops, along with other games, masks and outfits, so you can create the full PJ Masks imagination play experience for your little superhero.