A few weeks ago I was asked to review the Blinkbox service. I was given £15 to spend on the site and left to my own devices.
I will be honest it annoyed me. I had to download software, update my current software and then after selecting to buy the few vampire diaries episodes that I missed (after Hubby turned of my Series link!) I had to wait for them to download. This might be easier if I had a decent internet connection, alas I don’t. Anyway to cut a long story short after a night of messing around I had downloaded everything but run out of time to watch it and off to bed I went.
Two days later Elizabeth was admitted to hospital. I always take my laptop for her to watch dvds and so I can go online when she goes to bed. However my phone reception on the ward we were on was absolutely shocking and with her snoring away I was bored.
I was planning on editing some photos or defraging my hard drive to keep myself occupied when I spotted the Blinkbox short cut on my desktop. Suddenly I had a realisation. I had Vampire Diaries to watch and to make it even better because I was not streaming it I had no issues with poor internet connectivity affecting my viewing. In fact the whole thing redeemed itself.
Whilst we live in a society for immediate gratification sometimes the wifi signal is either too poor or waves in and out causing streaming to be an issue. Blinkbox gets round this by downloading the film or programme onto your device.
So thank you Blinkbox because instead of spending my evenings defraging my hard drive or taking part in all the other meaningless admin tasks I put off when I have internet connectivity I managed to spend my time staring into the eyes of Damon Salvatore and catching upon all the goings on in Mystic Falls.
I will be honest it annoyed me. I had to download software, update my current software and then after selecting to buy the few vampire diaries episodes that I missed (after Hubby turned of my Series link!) I had to wait for them to download. This might be easier if I had a decent internet connection, alas I don’t. Anyway to cut a long story short after a night of messing around I had downloaded everything but run out of time to watch it and off to bed I went.
Two days later Elizabeth was admitted to hospital. I always take my laptop for her to watch dvds and so I can go online when she goes to bed. However my phone reception on the ward we were on was absolutely shocking and with her snoring away I was bored.
I was planning on editing some photos or defraging my hard drive to keep myself occupied when I spotted the Blinkbox short cut on my desktop. Suddenly I had a realisation. I had Vampire Diaries to watch and to make it even better because I was not streaming it I had no issues with poor internet connectivity affecting my viewing. In fact the whole thing redeemed itself.
Whilst we live in a society for immediate gratification sometimes the wifi signal is either too poor or waves in and out causing streaming to be an issue. Blinkbox gets round this by downloading the film or programme onto your device.
So thank you Blinkbox because instead of spending my evenings defraging my hard drive or taking part in all the other meaningless admin tasks I put off when I have internet connectivity I managed to spend my time staring into the eyes of Damon Salvatore and catching upon all the goings on in Mystic Falls.