What Essential Oils Should Not Be Mixed Together?

It is very common for people to make their own essential oil blends.  Namely, this can be a good way to enjoy the benefits of many natural oils, as well as to experiment and have fun with the scent.

But are there any rules when it comes to making a blend? Are there certain essential oils that should not be mixed together? Here is a useful guide that can help you create your own blend that suits your needs.

Is It Safe to Mix Essential Oils?

First of all, it is important to answer this question. People want to know if it is actually safe to mix essential oils or whether it is best to purchase a mix that is already blended together. The answer is yes, but this should only be done with oils that are natural, and you know the quality of them.

You should only mix essential oils if you are using pure and 100 per cent natural oils. This means that there are no additives included, as you will not always know what they can do when they are combined. You can try using the oils for aromatherapy at Smellacloud. They are made from 100 per cent natural ingredients, which you can then have some fun with.

What Oils Should Not Be Mixed?

Again, as long as you are using pure, 100 per cent natural essential oils, you can combine them together to create your own aromatherapy mixture. But, you have to consider that some oils are going to work better together than others. Here are some tips that are going to make sure you do not mix together oils that are not appropriate.

Consider the Benefits

One of the best things about mixing essential oils is that you can combine the ingredients and enjoy maximum benefits. For example, if you are looking for a better night’s sleep, you can mix the oils that encourage this. You may be able to enjoy better results from aromatherapy this way.

Therefore, ensure that you are carefully considering the advantages of each other before making your own blend. You do not want to mix together oils that have the opposite effect. For example, lavender is encouraged for relaxation. You would not want to mix this with peppermint, which is often used to boost your energy.

Watch the Scent

Another element to consider when you are mixing essential oils together is the scent they are going to create. Some are naturally going to complement each other. For example, this can happen with fruity scents and floral scents. Then, others are just not going to go well together.

Consider each oil and what elements you like when it comes to the scent. For example, you might want to pair fruity ones together so that you can enjoy a tropical and fresh fragrance. Yes, you want to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. But you also want your home to smell nice and for you to enjoy diffusing them. You should never hate the scents as you will need to be in the room during diffusion, and this defeats the purpose of making aromatherapy a pleasant experience.

Avoid Overdoing It

We know it can be fun to mix essential oils and experiment with different blends. But, you have to be careful about how much of the oils you use. You want to use a modest amount so that you do not have any negative effects from diffusing them. Remember that if you are new to aromatherapy, you want to start slow and only have a few drops in the diffuser to begin with.

Thus, be conservative when you are creating a new blend in a bottle. You want to make sure that your experience is positive with the oils you select. If you find that one scent dominates over the other, you can change things around next time. It can be tempting to add a lot of drops when you see the size of the bottles. But be conservative, and this will pay off. Again, you can increase the amount you use later on.

Be Prepared to Experiment

Note that not every mixture you are going to create is going to be your favourite. You will not get it right every time. So, be prepared to have some fun and try different combinations. Since essential oils can be expensive, this is another reason why you should not use a lot of them at one time.