I think throwing parties must now come as second nature to me because I was not stressed or agitated at all yesterday. This was the party that could go wrong, this was the one where the planning had already gone awry. We had spent the last two days in hospital, all my cooking had to be cancelled but a quick online shop guaranteed that party food that could be opened and displayed was delivered between nine and ten in the morning.
The face painter was booked, the Dj/kids entertainer was coming and the bar was going to be open. A quick hiccup when the helium and balloons were not delivered but that was easily rectified with a trip to costco.
Swizzels Matlow had been lovely enough to send us a huge selection of their sweets to put out on the dessert table. I had so many compliments on the table and the Squashies were a huge hit with kids and adults alike. I have to say I saw more adults eating the Double Dips that I did kids but that is not surprising seen as I hid one for myself too.
Trying to blow out the sparkler
The Dj/childrens entertainer from Absolute kids was amazing, he did balloon modelling, party games, kids disco and then an adults disco. The face painter from Tricksy pixie was great and some of the adults enjoyed getting painted too.
She won’t tell me what the wish was as apparently it won’t come true otherwise.
It was the perfect end to a perfect party.
We saw friends we have not seen in months, Elizabeth played with school friends from her old school and new school and we got family together that we have not seen in a long time.
It was so good to catch up with everyone and I am very grateful to the people who stayed behind to help us clear up at the end of the night.
Happy 5th Birthday Elizabeth x