It’s time to accept the #MakeAMascot challenge

The Background

Comparison sites for Insurance companies are everywhere and nearly every advertisement break on tv features an advert for one of these sites. With Adverts and Mascots costing the companies millions of pounds, they are not always the cheapest place to go. Cavendish Online is a comparison site for Life Insurance and they don’t have a heavy advertisement budget they are able to provide cheaper quotations to their users. 

The challenge

Create a mascot using the money you would save buying life insurance from Cavendish online instead of Compare the Market. 

Cavendish Online

Compare the Market

To accept the challenge I had to get my thinking cap on. With a £1.90 saving per month, I had to find a way of creating a decent mascot with that as my budget.


We created this wonderful cuddly crocodile called Cap. Now the girls did want me to turn him into a pirate but that would require a few more months worth of savings I reckon. 

Both girls agreed that our Mascot had to be something cuddly and that it either had to be a crocodile or a cat as the alliteration was just too good to ignore. It is amazing how much they have absorbed about adverts because they wanted to make up a little song too!

Alison loves cuddling Cap and he has now been adopted into the family. 
What would you do with the money you saved?

Check Cavendish Online over on twitter and follow the #MakeAMascot hashtag to see all the other fabulous mascots.