How to redesign your bathroom

Your bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your house and a poorly designed bathroom can have a huge impact on your day. From fighting over space at the mirror to not having enough space for all your beauty products, a bad bathroom can cause lots of arguments.

Redesigning a bathroom doesn’t have to be scary and sometimes just a few simple changes can really increase your space and usability of the room. Understanding how to redesign your bathroom to get the most out of the space is really easy.

Here are some useful and effective tips that you can follow in order to proceed with redesigning your bathroom.

  • Get a corner sink installed

A pedestal sink has the ability to create a negative impact on space in your bathroom. In order to overcome this hassle, you can think about getting a corner sink installed. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box as well, just because it is a bathroom doesn’t mean you can’t use kitchen taps which look great and work well. You should think about getting the same for your bathroom sink as well.

  • Plan your shower

If you have a small bathroom, you might struggle to fit a stand-alone shower unit so choosing an over-bath shower may be your only option. The style of your bathroom can be completely ruined by something as simple as a bad shower curtain. This could, however, be a great way of adding a splash of colour to an otherwise plain-looking bathroom.

  • Expand your mirror

When you are planning your bathroom furniture make sure you pay attention to the size of the mirror as well as the storage capacity. Arguments over being able to look in the mirror to get ready have to be one of the biggest fights in our house and implementing a longer mirror would make a big difference. Adding a large mirror will also make a bathroom look larger and lighter.

  • Get a trough sink installed

Getting trough sinks installed has become a popular trend over the last few years. These narrow sinks will allow you to make good use of a small space and they are very stylish.

Creating a good looking yet practical bathroom that is suitable for the whole family can be tricky but making the most of the space you have, installing a large mirror and adding a splash of colour can make any bathroom into a dream bathroom.