Going out without children in tow can almost feel as though you have lost something but by the end of the night you have definitely gained some of your old self back again.
Looking back over the past few months I can not remember the last time that my Husband and I went out by ourselves and I am really beginning to miss it. A trip to the cinema to see a grown up film or a lovely meal out where we don’t have to keep telling the girls to eat nicely would be a real treat at the moment but we always struggle with childcare.
A date night can consist of any activity that you both enjoy and just the act of doing something together without the stress of everyday life can breathe new life into a relationship. We all get stuck in a rut sometimes as we deal with the mundane in day to day life but to get out you have to give yourself a push and a date night could be just the push you need.
Here is a list of the top five reasons a date night can help you live a better life
1) The chance to communicate
Being able to have a normal conversation that doesn’t involve who is dropping the kids off or doing the washing up can really help you reconnect as a couple. Try and remember what you used to talk about, things you found interesting about each other before everyday life got in the way. Although you can talk about the kids or your jobs try to discuss other topics too.
2) Date nights can be a huge stress reliever
As I work from home I never really switch off and getting out of the house without the children is a great stress reliever. Being able to enjoy yourself watching a film or eating a nice meal can really make you feel reenergised.
3) Loosen up and have a laugh
I don’t know about you but after a really good laugh I feel up for anything. A date night doesn’t have to be boring and heading to a comedy club can really get you bonding as you remember punch lines to jokes in the days that follow. Laughter releases all sorts of hormones that will make you feel fantastic.
4) Schedule your date nights and love the commitment
Putting time aside for your date nights in advance and knowing that you will have that special time together will add to the excitement and make you feel wanted and appreciated. A date night is also the perfect excuse for teasing your partner, send them a naughty text or leave a note about how excited you are.
5) Make an effort
Going on a date night can be really special if you put in the extra effort, why not dress up, put some make up on and really make yourself feel good. By doing this you will radiate confidence and by making the effort you will make your partner feel loved. Try to make the effort to be affectionate too and see if you can rekindle the romance.
There you have it, I know that I will be scheduling some date nights into our schedule and I hope you will too.