Did you know it is National #BreakfastWeek next week?

From Sunday 24th to Saturday 30th the nation will be talking about and celebrating Breakfast Week and the campaign this year is called Shake Up Your Wake Up so I will be working with Nestle to help shake up my morning routine to see if making a few small changes at Breakfast time will have an impact on my day.

Now I will be perfectly honest and say that I hardly ever have breakfast and if I do it is normally around 10am after I have done the school run. For the whole of Breakfast Week I will make sure I have breakfast within an hour of waking up and report back on my findings at the end of the week. I will also be trying a variety of different breakfasts. I am actually at the Toy Fair on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday which means I will be grabbing breakfast on the go but I am still going to ensure that I eat at the beginning of my day and that I vary what I am eating.

To help me Shake Up My Wake up Nestle organised a special surprise for me and I look forward to being able to share that with you next Wednesday so make sure you check back to see if it can give you some ideas on how you can shake up your wake up and start your day the best way you can.